
Company Data Points

Target or exclude Companies based on these data points.

Company Name

The company’s official registered name.


The company’s industry, size, and geographic location, including continent, country, state, region, or headquarters.


The company’s summary of products, services, and mission.

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NAICS codes

Filters companies by their North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, indicating their main business activity.


SIC codes

Filters companies by their Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code, commonly used for industry-specific targeting in Europe.



The company’s website address.

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Filters companies based on their business model: business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C).

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Filters companies by their legal status, such as public, private, or partnership.

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Email Provider

Filters companies based on the email service provider they use for managing email communications.

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Filters companies by annual revenue to target those with sufficient buying power.

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Filters companies based on their funding information, including amount, funding type (e.g., Series A, Series B), and the date.

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Technology Category

Filters companies by the technologies they use, grouped by specific categories such as e-commerce, CRM, programming languages etc.

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Filters companies by the digital tools, platforms, and systems they use, like Shopify, HubSpot, Stripe etc.


Company Founded Year

Filters companies by the year they were established, helping target businesses with specific levels of maturity or history.

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Company Headcount Growth

Filters companies based on their employee growth over the last 6, 12, or 24 months, indicating their expansion and potential for business opportunities.

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Employee Count

Filters companies by the total number of employees associated with them, offering more precise targeting.

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Department Count

Filters companies by the number of employees in specific departments, providing insights into the company’s internal structure and focus areas.

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Domain Rank

Filters companies by the authority and strength of their website’s online presence, measured by their domain rank.

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Company Telephone

The primary contact number for the company.

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